ETH Life - wissen was laeuft

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ETH Life - wissen was laeuft ETH Life - wissen was laeuft
ETH Life - wissen was laeuft

ETH - Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
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Publiziert: 14.10.2004 06:00

The human factor
The human factor

Von Martin Kroeger, Polymer Physics

I would like to mention that, for example, the programmers responsible for 'technical systems' are humans, the people responsible for improving rules are humans, and therefore the logical status of the main messages in this article remains diffuse. I further expect, that if a single person or few risk management people without technical, human, innovational skills decide on static rules to follow in all aspects of life, human responsibilty for fatal events should be - anyway - very close to 100%.

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