ETH Life - wissen was laeuft

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ETH Life - wissen was laeuft ETH Life - wissen was laeuft
ETH Life - wissen was laeuft

ETH - Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
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Publiziert: 18.11.2004 06:00

"Bush is an anti-liberal statist"
"Bush is an anti-liberal statist"

Von Peter A Neumann, Dr. sc.techn.

Why do you always blame the US and don't start to look at our own Europaen house? (Deficits,too much export dependent, no real political initiative towards the Middle East, Social security systems which are as unsafe for the future as anything can be, etc, etc.)

There are many things in the US which do not go the way they should, but please do not forget Europe in this respect ( e.g. Kyoto-Protokoll blablabla)

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