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ETH Life - wissen was laeuftETH Life - wissen was laeuft

Rubrik: Forum

"Bush glaubt mehr an Bomben als an Bücher"

Published: 25.03.2002 17:00
Modified: 25.03.2002 17:14
Thomi Horath (mailto:horath@hotmail.com)

Just recently I received a joke by e-mail wich seems to fit quite well to the subject. The joke is as follows: --- George W. Bush and Tony Blair are at a White House dinner. One of the guests walks over to them and asks what they're discussing. "We are making up the plans for World War III", says Bush. "Wow", says the guest. "And what are the plans?" "We're gonna kill all Arabs and one dentist", answers Bush. The guest looks to be a bit confused. "One...dentist?" He says. "Why will you kill one dentist?" Blair pats Bush on the shoulder and says, "What did I tell you? Nobody is gonna ask about the Arabs." ---

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