ETH Life - wissen was laeuft
ETH Life - wissen was laeuftETH Life - wissen was laeuftETH LifeDie taegliche Web-Zeitung der ETHETH Life - wissen was laeuft
ETH Life - wissen was laeuftETH Life - wissen was laeuft

Rubrik: Forum

Bad communication
Bad communication

Published: 04.09.2001 12:00
Modified: 05.09.2001 17:46
Brian Vickers (mailto:vickers@english.gess.ethz,ch)

Why has it taken you so long to issue an explanation of these building works? Those of us who work here every day would like to know why they are having to put up with the noise, smell, dust, and other inconveniences. communication within the ETH continues to be catastrophically bad.Is anyone responsible?

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