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Published: 03.04.2003, 06:00
Modified: 30.04.2003, 17:12
Student fees: ETH reasonable in comparison
From free to five-figures

Whether the plan will ever come to anything is still not certain. What is clear is that the government wants to raise student fees at the ETH Zurich to more than double what they are at present, from an annual 1,100 francs (ca. 750 euros) to 2,400 francs (1,620 euros) (1). It is interesting at this juncture to compare these fees with those charged at other universities inside and outside Switzerland.

By Norbert Staub

An annual student fee of 1,620 euros would make the ETH Zurich one of the most expensive in Switzerland. Compared to universities outside Switzerland, however, this figure still lies between the lower end and the middle of the scale. This becomes clear when we compare the fee with other universities with international reputations. In US universities, for example, students often pay many times more for a diploma degree than students at the ETH. It is important, however, to differentiate between private institutions, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) or the California Institute of Technology ("Caltech") on the one hand, and public universities, such as Berkeley, on the other.

One determining factor at most universities is the "origin" of the students. If they come from abroad they very often have to pay hefty tuition fees, in the region of five-figure sums in euros or dollars. This distinction is not made at the ETH Zurich.

IDEA-League: a wide cost spectrum

Let us consider Europe for the moment. Looking at universities with which the ETH maintains partnership ties, via the "IDEA League", we see great differences. The RWTH in Aachen offers its students free tuition, as do all public universities in Germany. At the moment, however, the introduction of fees is at the centre of a highly controversial debate on university policy.

At the top end of the scale in the IDEA League we find Imperial College London. Students pay an annual fee of around 1,500 euros to study here. Students who have the misfortune to come to Imperial College from outside the EU pay about ten times as much, around 15,000 euros a year (fees vary according to area of study). The situation at the Technical University of Delft, also one of the IDEA League, is similar. Students coming from EU or EFTA countries currently pay 1,450 euros p.a., while those coming from other countries pay more, albeit "only" 5,900 euros p.a.

Swiss universities are quite reasonable by comparison. The University of Zurich charges its Swiss students ca. 860 euros p.a., others pay 1,050 euros p.a. Studying at the EPF in Lausanne (the sister institution of the ETH in the French speaking part of Switzerland) costs around 800 euros p.a. and the University of Berne, about the same, 820 euros p.a.

Expensive US Universities

Studying at one of America's renowned private universities can be very expensive, unless one can count on a scholarship or a bursary or other kinds of grant. MIT currently charges ca. 26,350 euros p.a. and Northwestern University in Chicago, a bit more, at 26_550 euros. A university education at "Caltech" costs 20_550 euros according to latest figures.


Way beyond the means of the average budget: studying at renowned US universities, such as MIT.

Public universities are far cheaper for US citizens, as, for example, the University of California in Santa Barbara (UCSB) at 3,320 euros p.a., Berkeley and the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) each at 3,450 euros p.a."Non-residents", however, pay far higher fees at these public institutions: around 11,560 euros in Berkeley, 14,950 euros at UCLA and 14,500 euros at UCSB.

The ETH Zurich and the last-named institution, the University of California at Santa Barbara, have been running an exchange programme since 2001. This means that ETH students can study at a renowned US university without having to dig deep into their pockets (2).

Student fees: an overview

Figures are approximate and based on current information published by each university.


Average annual fee for students without citizenship or right of residency (in euros)

ETH Zurich


EPF Lausanne


University of Bern


University of Zurich

860 / 1,050

University of St. Gall

950 / 1,150

RWTH Aachen


TU Delft

1,450 / 5,900

Imperial College London

1,500 / 15,000


3,450 / 11,560

University of California, Sta Barbara

3,320 / 14,500

University of California, Los Angeles

3,450 / 14,950



Harvard University




Northwestern University, Chicago


(1) ETH Life reports, see:
(2) Cf. ETH Life report "Science and Sun" from 12th June 2001:

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